6.1 E-learning and Self-directed learning

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) classes have been implemented in Key Stage 2. For BYOD classes, students are encouraged to use Flipped Classroom and EDS to learn English after lessons. During the BYOD lessons and regular classes, students are eager to learn English using various fun e-learning resources such as Seesaw, Wordwall, Kahoot and Nearpod, they are always excited to see their friends leaving feedback on their work.

Students in Key stage 1 enjoy Kahoot and Nearpod as well! To advance their reading capabilities they have access to the Space Town e-readers. E-learning resources allow students to practice self-directed learning, pupils are encouraged to seek opportunities to learn English.

In addition to these resources key stage 1 and 2 students also use The APlus platform and Raz-Plus regularly to advance their learning.

6.2 Language-rich environment

Look at the banners in our language-rich environment! The banners and decorations on the campus promote the use of English. Pupils’ good work in writings are also displayed to appreciate pupils’ effort in learning.

6.3 Newspaper and English books in the classroom

English newspaper and books are provided in each classroom. Pupils can themselves in the sea of various reading material during Reading Period and recess. Pupils can also challenge themselves by completing worksheets related to the readers.

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