Purrfectly English with Puss in Boots

Our English Fun Day, which was held on 17th May, 2023, was a huge success, with P3 and P4 students enjoying a fun-filled day themed around "Puss in Boots." The day was packed with activities designed to practice their English skills and use the language in a fun way.


Students began with a treasure hunt and games that tested their English abilities, followed by a storytelling session and Puss in Boots-themed crafts session. The storytelling session taught important lessons about respecting diversity, protecting nature, and valuing friendship. The crafts session was a creative outlet for the students, where they made cat masks or Puss in Boots hand puppets. There was even a newspaper chair-making competition to encourage students to be eco-friendly. Popcorn and the premiere of the latest Puss in Boots movie was the perfect end to the day. What a wonderful day our students had!

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